A 65 y.o. woman with a hx of lung cancer with a large L hilar mass, is transferred from an outside hospital
A 60 y.o. male with diabetes, obesity and HT comes to the ED with a complaint of "I can no longer see to drive.
A 54 y.o. male, with a history of lung cancer, comes in with nausea and vomiting. His cxr is shown below.
A 37 y.o. woman presents with severe pain in the L leg. Hx of varicose veins but no evidenceof dvt on imaging.
A 52 y.o. male from Haiti presents with a sore throat.
A 52 y.o. woman with a hx of anxiety had been rubbing her eye because it was itching
A 45 y.o. female was picking her nose with a bobby pin when it "opened" and she was unable to remove it.
A 61 y.o. male sp renal transplant in 2023 presents with fever, lactate of 5, elevated LFTs, WBC of 1.5 and platelets of 27,000.
A 74 y.o male with nonischemic cardiomyopathy, a fib and renal failure present s after CRT D therapy with nausea and epigastric pain
An 80 y.o. male with HT, CAD and ischemic cardiomyopathy comes in with a week of postitionaheadaches.