The Times They Are A Changin': the "No Zone" Approach to Management of Penetrating Neck Trauma Wash U EM ResidencyAugust 30, 2015Imaging, TraumaComment
On Broken Teeth: Emergency Management of Dental Fractures Wash U EM ResidencyAugust 16, 2015TraumaComment
Hot bullet, dirty wound? Wash U EM ResidencyFebruary 23, 2015Trauma, antibiotics, gunshot wound Comment
Antibiotics for Mandible Fractures? Wash U EM ResidencyOctober 29, 2014Infectious Disease, Pharmacotherapy, Trauma Comment
...And We All Fall Down... Eventually : Nonpharmacologic pain management for hip fractures in the elderly? Wash U EM ResidencyOctober 4, 2014Geriatrics, Orthopedics, TraumaComment
Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Pediatric Patients: A Clinical Decision Rule Wash U EM ResidencySeptember 3, 2014Clinical Decision Rule, TraumaComment
Does a cervical seatbelt sign mandate advanced imaging? Wash U EM ResidencyJuly 22, 2014Imaging, TraumaComment