A 61 y.o. male sp renal transplant in 2023 presents with fever, lactate of 5, elevated LFTs, WBC of 1.5 and platelets of 27,000.
A 74 y.o male with nonischemic cardiomyopathy, a fib and renal failure present s after CRT D therapy with nausea and epigastric pain
An 80 y.o. male with HT, CAD and ischemic cardiomyopathy comes in with a week of postitionaheadaches.
A 42 y.o. male with a hx of tonsillar ca sp resection and recurrent esophageal strictures presents with knee and ankle pain; a rash is noted on the legs.
A 38 y.o construction worker with a hx of Graves disease presents with central vision loss in the R eye.
A 20 y.o. woman with a hx of Reynaud's, asthma and IgA deficiency presents with fever and shortness of breath
A 46 y.o. male presents with hip pain after a fall from standing. Plain films are normal
A 29 y.o. woman presents with painful labial ulcers
A 47 y.o. woman with a hx of dm, ht, and cervical cancer sp chemo and RT presents with diplopia
A 61 y.o. male presents with RUQ pain, he is sp cholecystectomy 10/2022.