A 39 y.o. female comes in with daily headaches and unequal pupils

she notes she has had unequal pupils for two years but today her pupil is more dilated and she has blurred vision in the R eye.

What is the differential?

What is the differential?

Our patient was sent to the ED to rule out  a third nerve palsy from a posterior communicating aneurysm.  What she actually had was an Adie’s pupil. 


 In distance vision, the lens does not have to change size because light rays are entering the eye in a parallel fashion.  As we change to near vision the lens must constrict to focus on the retina and the pupil size decreases.  This is called accommodation.

adies accomodation.JPG

Adie’s pupil- THE ADIES PUPIL CONSTRICTS WITH ACCOMODATION. The  pupil is dilated and reacts slowly to light but shows more response to accommodation as shown above.

The syndrome is caused by damage to the parasympathetic innervation of the eye, usually by a viral or bacterial infection that causes inflammation in the eye.  It is frequently seen in females with absent knee or ankle jerks and impaired sweating.  Because the eye is dilated the patient complains of blurred vision.


The third nerve has outer parasympathetic fibers that supply the ciliary muscles and the sphincter pupillae so when the nerve is compressed the pupil dilates. The ciliary muscle changes the shape of the lens when the eye focuses on a near object. This decreases the size of the pupil if the ciliary muscle is intact  but it is not intact when the third nerve is compressed by a posterior communicating aneursym.   

In both Adie’s and third nerve palsy the dilated pupil is the abnormal one.

David Bowie had anisocoria because he was punched in the eye at age 16 and damaged his ciliary muscle The pupil is so dilated a red reflex from retinal vessels could sometimes be seen.

David Bowie had anisocoria because he was punched in the eye at age 16 and damaged his ciliary muscle

The pupil is so dilated a red reflex from retinal vessels could sometimes be seen.


Anisocoria- affects 20% of the population and it is often a benign finding.

Horner’s syndrome- causes a constricted pupil on one side because of a defect in sympathetic fibers running along the carotid. This can be caused by a carotid dissection, Pancoast tumor of the lung or cervical tumor.  The abnormal pupil is the small one and the pupil will not dilate in darkness.

Primary eye pathology- can cause a dilated pupil including uveitis and glaucoma.

Third nerve palsy can cause a dilated pupil whether ischemic or compressive

Multiple sclerosis can cause  a dilated pupil because of optic nerve demyelination and decreased light perception.

Adie’s syndrome – is related to damage to the parasympathetic innervation of the eye and causes a dilated pupil.

Migraines can sometimes be associated with unilateral mydriasis.

Toxins- touching your eye after you touch a scopolamine patch will result in a dilated pupil .

Trauma- can cause damage to the ciliary muscle . 




Holmes-Adie syndrome Information Page. National Institute of Neurologic disorders and Stroke.

Lam B, Thompson H, corbet J. 1987. The prevalence of simple anisocoria . Am J of Ophthalmology 104(1)69-73.

Hunt K.  The remarkable story behind David Bowies most iconic feature.  Jan 11, 2016.

emedicine.medscape.com. Anisocoria Differential Diagnoses.

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London R, Richer  Erringer E, Wyafr H. Variation and clinical observation with different conditions of illumination and accommodation. 1991. Investigative Ophthalmology.  J Visual Science. 32(3)501-9.