A skin lesion from Nigeria
This patient had mycosis fungoides, a cutaneous T cell lymphoma. The average age of onset is between 45 and 55 and is more common in women. It was first described in 1806 byJean-Louis-Marc Alibert , a French dermatologist. The name means “mushroom – like fungal disease” but has nothing to do with a fungus but rather was named for nodules that can appear on the skin.
In the early stages the malignant cells are in the skin and can be treated with light therapy, electron beam radiationand photopheresis. As the disease progresses itcan be treated with systemic chemotherapy. The peripheral smear may show “buttock” cells.
Teaching point: There are other skin lesions which could look very similar and as with most of medicine, the history will be helpful. Pyoderma gangrenosum is more often seen in ulcerative colitis or crohns although it can be seen in RA, myelocytic leukemia, multiple myeloma and granulomatosis with polyangiitis.
pyoderma gangrenosum below:
Leprosy can present with ulcers in areas of nerve damage where sensation is impaired . These neuropathic ulcers are often on the feet and hands.
Leprosy can present with ulcers in areas of nerve damage where sensation is impaired . These neuropathic ulcers are often on the feet and hands.
Leishmaniasis would have been a good guess because it also causes cutaneous ulcers. This is common in the Middle Eastand northern regions of South America. There is however, a new focus of leishmaniasis in Nigeria in the Jos East Local Government area Plateau State where 2.6% of the population have leishmaniasis. This would not have been associated with the bulky lymphadenopathy in the L neck of this patient.